Purpose of GRIP: To provide a set of discipleship tracks where a Christ-following man can invest in another man for 100 days. The key dynamic is the Holy Spirit working in spirtually hungry men.
- Meeting with God: regular unhurried time alone with God in His Word/prayer 5x/week (GRIP guide)
- Brother to Brother: meet with GRIP brother(s) between gatherings - encourage, challenge, pray
- Personal Retreat: set aside 4-6 hours to listen to and enjoy God
- Action Points: identify and pursue personal steps of obedience this season
- Gatherings: particpate in 6 Monday night gatherings - be ready to share, learn, and minister
Location for Large Gatherings: Crossroads Church 2723 Ashland Rd, Columbia, SC 29210
To enroll, please visit grip.focusedliving.com