
Matthew 18:21–35
The Unmerciful Servant

We all know what it feels like to be hurt or offended by the words or actions of another person. We feel a need for justice, for wrongs to be righted, perhaps even for vengeance, for our offender to know and experience the same kind of embarrassment or hurt that we've experienced. Where does the cross enter in? Does the person and work of Jesus matter when it comes to forgiveness, not only before God, but before each other? This Sunday, we'll continue our Parable series by looking at the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant (Mt. 18:21-35), where Jesus connects the dots of how we respond to being wronged, and the forgiveness which God offers.

I. See Our Own Forgiveness (vv. 21-30)
II. See the King of Justice (vv. 31-35)