
Joshua 5:1–12
Signs of Rembrance

Our next passage in our sermon series is Joshua 5:1-12, which will set us up for possibly the most unique Mother's Day sermon ever. This passage continues with the theme of remembering that we studied this past Sunday. Yet, this time God instructs his people to mark their remembrance with signs of the covenant. Once again, the nation of Israel was commanded to practice circumcision and Passover. These are signs which God gave to his people to help them remember his faithfulness to them. What signs does God give to us today to help us remember the work of his grace? Join us this Sunday to find out more.

1) Signs of Promise
    - The Promise of the Land
    - God’s Declaration to Us
    - An Even Greater Cleansing‌
2)  Signs of Redemption
    - Looking Back
    - Looking Forward