
Psalm 51, Psalm 32
Create in Me a Clean Heart

Sin. Iniquity. Transgression. Evil. Not exactly topics that put a smile on your face. Yet, they are essential for our walk with the Lord and cannot be denied or diminished. As we look at Psalm 51 and Psalm 32, we will see David's response to his own sin. He saw that his sin was primarily against God, even though it also hurt people around him deeply. He was also brought to an awareness of the danger of concealing his sin. At one point, David said, "For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long." Join us on Sunday as we explore the depths of our sin against the Lord and his gracious response to those who know Christ.

1) Confession of Sin
     - Pleading for mercy
     - Bringing into the Light

2) Restoration of the Sinner
     - Forgiveness
     - Cleansing
     - Renewal

3) Assurance of God’s Unfailing Love
     - Worship
     - Joy