
Colossians 1:24– 2:3
The Mystery of Christ

The Apostle Paul speaks of the Gospel as a mystery that had been kept hidden for ages and generations.  Although that's how Paul describes it, we may be a bit uncomfortable with the word "mystery" when it comes to understanding our faith.  However, we must understand Paul's intent in describing God's plan as a mystery.  It's not a hidden, mysterious knowledge that only a select few obtain, but rather, it is the unfolding of God's plan that had been hidden from mankind until the arrival of Jesus into human history.  So this week will mark the beginning of the Advent season as we lead up to Christmas and the birth of Christ.

1) The Mystery of God’s Unfolding Plan
2) The Mystery of God Made Fully Known
    a. Full Assurance
    b. For Us and For the World
3) The Mystery of Christ in Us