
Malachi 1:6– 2:16

In the beginning of Malachi, God declares his covenant love for his people. On the other hand, Malachi 1:6-2:16 speaks of the ways that his people do not show honor to him. "God’s elective love for Israel, a love which calls for robust covenantal obedience and sincere worship as its proper response," (ESV Study Bible) was instead marked with unfaithful disobedience. They worshipped in many misguided ways and rebelled against the clear commands of God (i.e. divorce). In this passage, God calls them to covenant faithfulness.

1) The Honor that God Deserves
    a) Belittling the Honor of God
    b) Guarding the Honor of God

2) The Faithfulness to Which God Calls Us
    a) Faithful to Obey God’s Word
    b) Faithful to the Covenants We Make