What We Do in Children's Ministry
- CHILDREN IN WORSHIP: We desire to involve our kids in worship, so we bring children ages 3 and up into the service with us to join in worship together. Sometimes there is a short children’s sermon during the initial part of the worship service. Then the children are dismissed to their classes before the sermon.
- NURSERY: For infants through 2 year-olds during the worship service and Sunday School.
- JUNIOR CHURCH: Three and four year-olds are dismissed during the service for a puppet show or Treasure Bag lesson. After that, the 3 and 4 year olds have a special Sunday school class designed specifically for them.
- JOYFUL SOUNDS (3rd-5th) & JOYFUL HEARTS (K-2nd): K-5th graders are dismissed during the service to participate in an age-appropriate worship time. We have designed a Gospel-centered curriculum that goes through the entire Bible starting with Creation and ending with Revelation in a two-year cycle. After the lesson, they are dismissed with their trail guide, who takes them to their Sunday school workshop for the day. They have snacks and share their prayer requests with their trail guide, while also reviewing catechisms and verses. Then their workshop for that day begins.
- SUNDAY SCHOOL: We recognize that every child learns and processes differently. We teach our children the same overall content throughout the month but in a different way each week. We have four workshops that the children cycle through that embrace many different ways of learning, while also digging in deeper into what we are studying during the Joyful Sounds/Joyful Hearts teaching time. These workshops include the Theater, Art Room, Explorers’ Workshop, and Game Room
- KIDS BIBLE STUDIES: We offer GP Kids Bible Studies for grades 1-3 and 4-5. The study meets in rhythm with the Fall and Spring school semesters every other Sunday evening from 5-6:00pm. Make sure to check the events page for the next meeting date.