
Colossians 1:13–20

As Jesus taught his disciples to pray, he instructed them to plead with the Father, "Your kingdom come, your will be done." This petition points to the fact that God is restoring this world rather than scrapping it and starting over. Actually, God the Father sacrificed his own son in order to redeem his creation (Col. 1:20). While the salvation of his people is essential to God's redemption, why do we seem to truncate the Gospel to "the saving of souls" only? Is evangelism the only kingdom effort that matters? Or is there so much more for us to join into in seeing this world restored for the glory of God?



Framework of Redemption

  • What was created? (Genesis 1-2)
  • What has been corrupted? (Genesis 3)
  • What is being redeemed? (Col.1:20)

Inauguration of the New Creation

Kingdoms in Conflict