
1 Timothy 6:6–21

It is easy to unknowingly slip into a narrow vision of our lives which focuses primarily on our current circumstances.  However, believers in Christ are given a view of the future that is designed to frame our lives today.  In theology, the study of the "end times" is called eschatology.  Yet, we miss God's intent if those studies are merely about the distant future and not a part of the present day.  Paul instructed Timothy to "take hold of the eternal life" to which he was called.  Timothy was also instructed to live in light of the return of Jesus ("the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ").  So what difference does the Second Coming of Jesus make in your daily life?

1) This Period of History Culminates with the Return of Christ
2) Our Eternal Future Frames Our Lives Today
3) Eschatology Brings Us Hope, Not Fear
4) Eschatology Heightens Our Urgency
5) Eschatology Motivates Us to Action