
Psalm 78:1–8, Deuteronomy 6:1–10

When God's people imagine magnificent moves of the Gospel, we tend to think of a missionary in a foreign land preaching the Gospel with great effectiveness.  Or we think of someone who lives among the poor and destitute in order to earn the right to explain the Gospel and lead people to know Christ.  However, more often than not, we do not think of our families.  Yet, if you look in the Scriptures, you see God establishing the family as his primary way to pass a "fear of the Lord" to generations to come.  Now, this obviously doesn't negate missions work to other countries or people.  It merely highlights the essential place of the family in God's redeeming work and challenges some possible misconceptions about family.

1) The Importance of the Covenant Family
2) God’s Plan of Redemption Through the Family
3) The Function of a Covenant Family