
Matthew 27:62– 28:10
The Empty Tomb

For Easter, we will look at Matthew 27:62-28:10. This is Matthew's account of the guarding of Jesus' tomb and of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. The efforts of the religious leaders and Pilate were no match for the power of God, and the guards who were at the tomb "trembled and became like dead men" when they saw the angel. The women who went to attend to Jesus' body were gripped with fear too, but they were comforted with the words of both the angel and Jesus, "Do not be afraid." The resurrection changes everything and leads to our prayer for everyone this Easter that "you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." 

1. The Intention of God Overcomes the Plans of Man
2. The Power of God Overwhelms the Strength of Man
3. Resurrection Power at Work in Those Who Believe