
Genesis 1:26–31

Our culture today is determined to validate everyone's self-worth and self-expression.  It's goes to such lengths that there seems to validate all expressions and thoughts, except the thought that God-designed limits exist in this world.  Yet, while our world attempts to build everyone's self-worth, they look in places that continually come up empty.  The Bible declares that each person in this world already possesses worth and value because each person is created in the image of God.  God's design affects aspects of how we are made and who we are.  It also declares to us how we were designed to live in this world.  So the image of God points to both structural and functional aspect of our design.  How then shall we live?


1) Designed by God to Reflect God
1a) Uniqueness of Mankind
1b) Design of Mankind

2) Designed to Function as God Intended
2a) Relationship with God
2b) Relationship with Fellowman
2c) Representing God in the World