For Future Generations


Three years ago, God moved us to our current location as a permanent place to gather for worship and ministry. Since we opened the doors in June of 2020, God has brought a multitude of families to be part of the Grace Point family. We have seen many people come to know Christ as their Savior and Lord. We’ve seen people grow in their love for God’s Word and also find a place of belonging among the people of Grace Point. We’ve seen God use our pursuit of authenticity and joy to be a healing balm to many as the Gospel frees them from the bondage of their sin and the need to perform.

We have quickly filled our building, but space is not our greatest concern. We desire to see God advance his kingdom in the Irmo/Chapin area and to see the fruit of the Gospel flow to generations to come. Our space limitations restrain the ability for more families to participate in what God is doing here.

Our worship space and children’s classrooms are overflowing every Sunday, and the youth ministry has grown so large that it uses nearly the entire building on Sunday and Wednesday nights. What a beautiful “problem” to have!


We believe God is leading us to build additional space so that we can maintain the closeness and unity of God’s people together. We have plans to build a new sanctuary and lobby that will allow for 450 people and turn the existing sanctuary into space for the youth ministry. We will also add more classrooms for the Children’s Ministry.

This project will add 10,196 square feet, modify 1680, and cost between 2.4 and 2.8 million dollars. Given our current finances, the amount of cash on hand will determine if this project is a reality or not. The banks may loan us about 20% of the cost of the project, but we will need the rest of it on hand before we can break ground.


By June 30 - We expect to break ground in early July 2024. So your contributions by June 30 will allow us to discern God’s will for this expansion.

Ongoing - The ongoing giving toward this project is needed as well. However, it will not affect if we start building or not. The money given over time after June 30 will go toward reducing the debt of the project.

How can you partner with us?

Prayer - Pray with us for the provision of funds, for wisdom of our leadership, for the construction process, and for the future generations of Grace Point.

Financially - Consider giving before the June 30th deadline or over the next few years. You can fill out a commitment card below and return it by January 14th.


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